Please note that there are soundpools that i can save, but normaly i can´t.?! You said"When we use Arrangements it will open all projects files in the folder."-that´s not true i´ve made everything you talked about with the same result.ġst i changed the folders path, and then i loaded arrangement and i tried both formats:mmm and" all files".ĭon´t you know why the program creates a twin file when i try to save arrangement? why does he tries to open that same file everytime i load the arangement? and the only solution is delete this"magix sound"(like it apears on print screen 1) and then it works fine? If you want to save audio files as Wave use File/Export and save. For audio files we have to use File Manager to browse and drag and drop audio files on arranger. In this screen shot you can see when we use All files it will show us all files in the folder, but we can not open Wave, Mp3 etc. When we use Arrangements it will open all projects files in the folder. Same like your problem when I save projects I also got same files with extension HO, HDP, According to Magix support no need to worry these files are small. Please note saving project and saving file in audio format is two different things. Look at the folder path of Export folder.( you can change path as you like if you want) When Music Maker is open click "Y" key then click on Folder you can find where your audio files are being saved. Do not keep everything in one folder make new folders. (refer screen shot how each folder is created)Project, Import, Export,Recording, Soundpool, Audio Thank you for screen shot it helped to understand. The blue circles are are shown in image n✣ Here are screenshots, please check african 8 it´s in double and one first file has 468kb and has a diferent image, that´s the one that is with type:magix sounds and is the one that the program instals and then i have to delete it to get the right file that has only 42,4kb and is in normal format (wave).